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Orrin Hatch of Utah famously voted against protections or support for a certain class of children. He only changed his tune when one of his own fell prey to the situation. In other words, he didn’t learn the lesson and only acted when they came for his family.

People in transition who are still in possession of their penis should not be allowed to disrobe or shower in women’s private spaces, locker rooms revealing their essential remaining manhood. To paraphrase Dame Judy Dench, or Dame Maggie Smith (or some Dame!): “Religion [or expositive transgenderism] is like a penis. It’s a perfectly fine thing to have, but when you start waving it in my face we have a problem.” If a transgender person who is outwardly female uses a private stall, I’d say go ahead and use the women’s bathroom. I hope the stud lady sues and wins big.

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